Tuesday 1 December 2015

#TrailerTuesday: The Mortal Instruments Series

Movies have trailers. Books have trailers. Heck, even trailer parks have trailers. What’s great about all the above? They’re nice, compact, and just enough substance to give you what you need.

This #TrailerTuesday we’re going to look at three trailers. First, one of the first Mortal Instruments book trailers; second, one of the more recents ones; and, third their newest counterpart, the Shadowhunters TV series trailer (which yes, I posted earlier this week – relax – there’s no such thing as too much of a good thing when it comes to books).

Book trailer (City of Glass):

Yes, a little corny, but keep in mind this trailer is 6 years old. A lot has changed in the realm of book trailers. It takes care of the basic book trailer requirements back then: keep the visuals to a minimum and give people the book blurb.
Let’s see what changed in book trailers five years later. Same series. New software.

Book trailer (City of Heavenly Fire):

Here we are pulled into the story with cinematic elements. Like a movie trailer, the book trailer shows us what happens in the book. As a viewer I feel much more pulled into the action. *Sigh* If only we all had a Simon & Schuster budget to produce a video for our book trailers.
Last but not least, we are again peeking at the Shadowhunters TV series trailer. Note the full use of cinematic elements: action, suspense, great videography. If only book trailers attracted enough attention to warrant a budget like this (in my dreams).

Shadowhunters TV series trailer:

So as you can see, there’s a lot to think about in creating a trailer. YA is a great niche to create book trailers - who doesn’t like exploring around YouTube! But in today’s market a book trailer needs to be a little more. Whether it’s just a teaser, or something more, a little video goes a long way.
And I know I said only three trailers, but how can we end without seeing the movie trailer! Take care everyone, and if you have some fav book trailers to share, tell me about them below or at We Read YA!

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